The Constitutional Centre of Western Australia in conjunction with the Electoral Regulation Research Network and the Australian Association of Constitutional Law invites you to a twilight seminar. This seminar will explore the implications for legislation regulating political donations after the High Court's recent decision in Unions NSW v New South Wales [2019] HCA 1. The case saw the Court unanimously strike down s 29(10) of the Electoral Funding Act 2018 (NSW) as impermissibly burdening the constitutionally protected implied freedom of political communication. Both the constitutional and electoral funding implications of the case will be explored during the seminar.
Speakers: Dr Murray Wesson (UWA Law School) and Dr Martin Drum (University of Notre Dame).
Chair: Cobey Taggart, Barrister, Murray Chambers
Please register at: ccevents@dpc.wa.gov.au.
Enquiries: Lisa Belde on 6552 6222
Parking is available on site.