Panel On The Unions Of Nsw Political Finance Case
In Unions of NSW v NSW [2013] HCA 58, the High Court found two sections of the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 (NSW) invalid for impermissibly burdening the freedom of political communication implied by the Australian Constitution. In doing so, the Court affirmed its acceptance of "anti-corruption" as a legitimate object of electoral reform but found these laws invalid as having no relation to such an object. In this seminar, the members of the panel will explore the significance of the case for constitutional law, election law and law reform.
The Panel:
Professor Adrienne Stone (Melbourne Law School)
Associate Professor Joo-Cheong Tham (Melbourne Law School)
Dr Anika Gauja (Department of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney)
Chair: Mr Ian Temby AO QC (St James Hall Chambers)
This event is hosted by AACL in conjunction with the Electoral Regulation Research Network.
Federal Court, Queens Square, Sydney, Court 18B, 5:30 pm