'The UK Supreme Court and Brexit' seminar is hosted by Australian Association of Constitutional Law and ANU Centre of International and Public Law (CIPL).
- Dr Ryan Goss, ANU
- Andrew Chapman, Office of General Counsel, AGS
About this Event
Join Dr Ryan Goss, ANU Law Associate Professor, and Andrew Chapman, Senior General Counsel, Office of General Counsel at Australian Government Solicitor, as they discuss what the UK Supreme Court ruling means for Brexit.
About the speakers
Dr Ryan Goss is an Associate Professor at ANU Law, working on public law and European human rights law. See his bio for more information. Relevantly to this event, prior to arriving at the ANU in 2013, Ryan was Junior Research Fellow in Law at Lincoln College, University of Oxford, where he taught British constitutional law, administrative law, and human rights law.
Andrew Chapman is the Senior General Counsel, Office of General Counsel at AGS. He is a public lawyer of 13 years‰Ûª experience in the Commonwealth and private sectors. For the last 8 years, Andrew has worked in the Office of General Counsel, Australian Government Solicitor, specialising in constitutional law, administrative law, statutory interpretation and employment law.
Date: Thursday, 12 December 2019
Time: 6.00–7.00pm
Place: Attorney-General's Department, Murrumbidgee Room, 3–5 National Circuit, Barton
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