Become a Member
To become a member of the AACL, please submit a Membership Application (either by webform, email or post) and pay the Membership Fee (through PayPal or by cheque).
Membership Application
You can apply to become a member by filling out the online form below.
Alternatively, you can download and fill out a PDF of the membership application form. Please email or post the completed form to the Secretariat.
Membership Fee
Once you have submitted a membership application, please pay the membership fee.
You can pay the membership through the PayPal button below, or by sending a cheque payable to 'Australian Association of Constitutional Law' or 'AACL' along with a copy of your membership application.
All mail should be sent to:
The Australian Association of Constitutional Law Secretariat
c/- Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies
Melbourne Law School
University of Melbourne Victoria 3010